ECFA Virtual Learning Circle: Maternal Health and the Impact of Employer Benefit Plans

Funders and non-profit partners
Thursday, April 13, 2023
11:00am to 12:00pm EDT
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For new parents and caregivers, employer workplace policies play a significant role in ensuring a positive start for their newborn and healthy recovery for birthing parents.
Join us for the next Virtual Learning Circle when we will discuss employer policies, advocacy, and the advancement of equity for new parents in the workplace, particularly moms of color. Leadership from Pittsburgh Business Group on Health and Healthy Start, Inc. will be our guest panelists, discussing:
  • How the intersection of workplace policies and new parents can create the conditions for positive outcomes for families with newborns
  • What barriers exist that limit some families from accessing equitable workplace policies
  • What steps we can collectively take to ensure all families can have a positive start with following the birth of a child
We look forward to your contributions to this important conversation.

LogoAbout the Early Childhood Funders Alliance of Southwestern Pennsylvania
The Early Childhood Funder’s Alliance of Southwestern Pennsylvania is a voluntary collective of regional philanthropic stakeholders with a shared commitment to bettering the lives and opportunities of the region’s children and families. Participation in the alliance offers the opportunity to increase impact, share resources, and create continuity across like-minded investments.